Staying Safe During the Mongol Rally

The Mongol Rally is one of the most famous car rallies in the world. It is an amazing experience, with people from all over the world travelling to Mongolia to take part. It used to end in Mongolia, but now actually continues into Ulan Ude in Russia.

There are some rules for entering the Mongol Rally, which you need to know before considering taking part:

  • You need to raise money for charity. Each team has to raise £1,000 at least.
  • Racing in public spaces is not legal and you must abide by the law at all times
  • The car you use has to be 1200cc or below.

The rally is organised by an organisation called The Adventurists, who organise events and adventures all over the world. They describe it as the greatest motoring adventure on the planet, with hundreds of teams entering it each year. The rally covers 10,000 miles in total, across various terrains within different countries. Most teams start out in the UK and head across Europe, though others also start out in the Czech Republic.

There is no doubt that the Mongol Rally is an amazing experience for the vast majority of people who take part. There is around a 70% completion rate, which is very good considering how tough some of the terrain can be. However, the rally can be more dangerous than others, because the teams have no support and no backup. There is also no route set in stone, so it could be easy to run into difficulties.

If you decide you want to take part, then good for you! There will be lots of opportunities for you to have an amazing trip and to do some really worthwhile charity fundraising. However, you must bear in mind your safety at all times. This isn’t a rally that you should take lightly. This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

One very good idea is to take a safety course before the rally in preparation. This will help to prepare you for some of the difficulties you might face, making you more able to overcome them. It will also give you more of an idea what to expect, so that you are going in feeling more prepared. This will give you more of a chance of completing the rally.

These are some of the topics that might be included in a safety and preparation course ahead of the rally:

  • Picking the right routes and preparing for different terrains
  • General research and insights into the countries you will be visiting and any local difficulties you might experience
  • Vehicle maintenance and what to do if you experience a breakdown
  • Navigating safely and effectively using a variety of aids
  • Crossing borders and dealing with local authorities
  • Personal safety whilst in another country

The Mongol Rally is a great opportunity for any adventurer – but you need to stay safe. Prioritise your own safety at all times and make sure your are always aware of the situation around you. Things can change quickly, so be ready to adapt and react at the shortest notice.

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