How to Travel Abroad Safely

Travelling abroad is always riskier than being in a safe country where you know your environment. Travelling to certain locations abroad will carry more inherent risks, due to the nature of the place that you are travelling to. If it is a place where there are riots, protests, political unrest or severe deprivation, there are…

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Are you Still Looking to Book a Holiday this Summer?

The summer is quickly coming to an end and before we know it, children will be going back to school. If you haven’t yet booked a summer getaway, you need to think about getting it done soon – time is running out. There are much fewer last minute deals around these days, especially during the…

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Staying Safe During the Mongol Rally

The Mongol Rally is one of the most famous car rallies in the world. It is an amazing experience, with people from all over the world travelling to Mongolia to take part. It used to end in Mongolia, but now actually continues into Ulan Ude in Russia. There are some rules for entering the Mongol…

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Picking a Destination for an Extended Trip

An extended trip is an exciting prospect, whether you’ve travelled the world or this is your first adventure. What is always key is getting the destination just right. You will need to make sure you pick somewhere that has plenty to offer and will adhere to your interests, so that you can really make the…

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Going on Holiday – the Best Times to Travel

If you want to go on holiday, there are destinations that can suit you throughout the year. Winter sun isn’t so hard to get with the availability of budget flights and reasonable accommodation, and good transport can help you reach destinations more quickly. Whenever you are travelling, there will always be some deals to be…

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