Picking a Destination for an Extended Trip

An extended trip is an exciting prospect, whether you’ve travelled the world or this is your first adventure. What is always key is getting the destination just right. You will need to make sure you pick somewhere that has plenty to offer and will adhere to your interests, so that you can really make the…

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Packing a Backpack for your First Travel Adventure

That first step into transitioning from holidays to travelling is scary. How is it going to be different? Will it be as much fun? How is it possible to budget? One of the first steps is to make sure you are packing well and taking the right things with you. Make sure you have the…

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How to Take the Stress out of a Holiday

A holiday should be something fun for everyone. However, we all know it just isn’t always that simple, especially if you are going away with children. Here are some tips for a stress-free trip: Travel with as little as possible. You will enjoy yourself much more if you are not weighed down by luggage. Plan,…

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Is Travelling in South America Safe?

Some parts of South America have got themselves a bad reputation for safety. Places like Brazil and Colombia can often leave people a little nervous about their safety. Yet there are some stunning things to see there, so you don’t want to avoid these places based on fear. Here are some points to consider on…

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Some Ways to Minimise your Impact on the Environment When Travelling

Going on holiday or a travel adventure can be damaging for the environment. The air travel, the car fumes, the activities you choose to do… they can all have consequences for animals and the environment. If you are going to travel in the most environmentally-friendly way possible, here are some thoughts to consider: Travel on…

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